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This page provides a summary of the available gRPC services offered by SEEREP. It is recommended to use FlatBuffers for serialization, as the latest updates and features utilize it. Protocol Buffers might lack certain features and could potentially be discontinued in the future, as indicated by issue#372. The services are implemented in the seerep_server package.

The streaming column in the following tables indicates whether the client or server can send 1 ... N messages during the service call.



Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
CreateProject Create a new SEEREP project ProjectCreation ProjetInfo -
GetProjects Get all current projects Empty ProjetInfos -
LoadProjects Load all unindexed projects Empty ProjetInfos -
DeleteProject Delete a project ProjectInfo Empty -
GetOverallTimeInterval Get the total timespan of a data type UuidDatatypePair TimeInterval -
GetOverallBoundingBox Get the full extent of a data type UuidDatatypePair Boundingbox -
GetAllCategories Get all categories of a data type UuidDatatypePair StringVector -
GetAllLabels Get all labels in a category of a data type UuidDatatypeWithCategory StringVector -


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
GetImage Get images based on a query Query Image Server
TransferImage Transfer images to SEEREP Image ServerResponse Client
AddLabels Add labels to existing images DatasetUuidLabel ServerResponse Client


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
GetCameraIntrinsics Get a specific camera instrinic CameraIntrinsicsQuery CameraIntrinsics -
TransferCameraIntrinsics Transfer camera intrinsics to SEEREP CameraIntrinsics ServerResponse -


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
GetPointCloud2 Get point clouds based on a query Query PointCloud2 Server
TransferPointCloud2 Transfer point clouds to SEEREP PointCloud2 ServerResponse Client
AddLabels Add labels to existing point clouds DatasetUuidLabel ServerResponse Client


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
TransferTransformStamped Add a transformation to SEEREP TransformStamped ServerResponse Client
GetFrames Get all frames of a project FrameQuery StringVector -
GetTransformStamped Get a transformation from SEEREP TransformStampedQuery TransformStamped -


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
GetPoint Get points based on a query Query PointStamped Server
TransferPoint Transfer points to SEEREP PointStamped ServerResponse Client
AddAttribute Add attribute to existing points AttributesStamped ServerResponse Client

Protocol Buffers


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
CreateProject Create a new SEEREP project ProjectCreation ProjetInfo -
GetProjects Get all current projects Empty ProjetInfos -
GetOverallTimeInterval Get the total timespan of a data type UuidDatatypePair TimeInterval -
GetOverallBoundingBox Get the full extent of a data type UuidDatatypePair Boundingbox -
GetAllCategories Get all categories of a data type UuidDatatypePair StringVector -
GetAllLabels Get all labels in a category of a data type UuidDatatypeWithCategory StringVector -


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
GetImage Get images based on a query Query Image Server
TransferImage Transfer images to SEEREP Image ServerResponse -


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
GetCameraIntrinsics Get a specific camera instrinic CameraIntrinsicsQuery CameraIntrinsics -
TransferCameraIntrinsics Transfer camera intrinsics to SEEREP CameraIntrinsics ServerResponse -


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
GetPointCloud2 Get point clouds based on a query Query PointCloud2 Server
TransferPointCloud2 Transfer point clouds to SEEREP PointCloud2 ServerResponse -


Service Description Request Message Response Message Streaming
TransferTransformStamped Add a transformation to SEEREP TransformStamped ServerResponse -
GetFrames Get all frames of a project FrameQuery StringVector -
GetTransformStamped Get a transformation from SEEREP TransformStampedQuery TransformStamped -