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Documentation Setup

The documentation is divided into two main parts: MkDocs is used for general documentation and Doxygen is used for C++ code documentation.


Installing the dependencies in the following sections is only ncessaary if you are not using the VS-Code Development Container.


To install the Python dependencies, navigate to the repository's main folder and run:

pip3 install -r docker/base/

To build and deploy MkDocs locally use:

# ensure that the mkdocs.yaml is located in the directory
mkdocs serve

The page should then be available under Live reloading is enabled, saved changes are automatically updated.


To install a recent version of Doxygen, it is necessary to build it from source:

sudo apt install flex bison make\
    && export DOX_VER="Release_1_9_3"\
    && wget${DOX_VER}.tar.gz\
    && tar -xf ${DOX_VER}.tar.gz\
    && mkdir -p doxygen-${DOX_VER}/build\
    && cd doxygen-${DOX_VER}/build\
    && cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..\
    && make -j"$(nproc)"\
    && sudo make install\
    && cd ../..\
    && rm -rf doxygen-${DOX_VER} ${DOX_VER}.tar.gz\
    && unset DOX_VER

To generate the Doxygen documentation, run the following command in the repository's main directory:

doxygen Doxyfile

To start a local web server to serve the content use:

cd doxygen-output/html/
python3 -m http.server

The page should be accessible at the default If you want to run both MkDocs and Doxygen simultaneously, you need to assign a different port to the HTTP server for Doxygen, for example by using:

python3 -m http.server 9000

GitHub Pages Deployment

Both documentation pages are automatically deployed to GitHub Pages through a workflow. A new version is released after a pull request to the main branch. Publishing both documentations requires a workaround, as a repository typically only supports one URL. The main page is a simple HTML document that links to the individual pages:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <li><a href="mkdocs/home/index.html">MkDocs </a></li>
    <li><a href="doxygen/index.html">Doxygen</a></li>
    <li><a href="mkdocs/legal-notice/index.html">Legal Notice </a></li>
    <li><a href="mkdocs/data-protection-notice/index.html">Data Protection Notice </a></li>
